Thursday, June 17, 2004

The Election

I need to get it off my chest. I'm worried about the election. Surprisingly to me, I am not particularly informed on politics; most of it seems so pointless and egotistical. Still, I know what's at stake for November. Bush's presidency, honestly folks, has not been exactly a walk in the park. "Dubya" has started two wars, tinkered naively with our educational system and eased our economy gently down the drain. To support Bush now is to deny the existence of other countries and many of the acute problems infringing on our "homeland security." That's why if I could vote (I am fourteen years old), it would be for Kerry. Our democratic candidate's apparently both peaceful and warlike background and conservatively liberal approach to our nation do put blind loyalty out of the picture for me, but I'll stand by John Kerry as not the best of two evils, but the right choice for Americans who want to make up for Bush's blunders.


At 8:03 PM, Blogger Zak Rogoff said...

Thank you very much for your feedback. It's great to know that someone besides my parents actually agrees with what I write in the middle of the night in my room. My family's always been very open and talkative, especially about politics, so I thank my parents for my interest in that.


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