Gay Marriage And The American Family
I am pleased to announce that for the first time in American history, a Christian priest has blessed a newlywed gay couple. Marrying in Massuachussetts, gay couples are sprouting like dandelions accross the country. Although their unions are still not recognized by all as valid, they are completely legal marriages.
Along with shaking up the Right Wing severely, this raises a lot of questions, the biggest one being "What is a family?" If a family can be two gay men, then how can the standard man-woman-children relationship be addressed by the same name? Americans everywhere have complained and will complain that a gay marriage is just too distinct to be considered a family.
I beg to differ. We can prove that gay marriages form valid families if we expose the root of the traditional institution of family, then show that it has the same basic purpose as a gay family. The first step is easy. Anyone will tell you that love is the foundation of family. It holds a group of people who know each other very well in a mutually beneficial relationship. Also, the American institution of family manifests itself in economic priveleges for married couples such as housing discounts and tax cuts.
Now I must show you that a gay marriage has the same core as the traditional American family described above. Honestly, I don't know how to do this yet. Attach a comment if you have any ideas.
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