Friday, March 18, 2005


Today in the cafeteria, as I was going through the usual motions of trying to be cool while eating a 4-inch mound of stewed green beans, I started jonin' on somebody's mama. I do this ALL the time. *Yo Mama's so fat, her volume is 4/3 pi times the cube of her radius!* There it goes again. But I was realizing that when I jone on people's mamas, I'm usually not really trying to put them down; I'm just sort of making a little turd of wit that mildly insults whoever I direct it at. That volume joke could just as well be directed at your broker's mama, not yours, and it would serve the same purpose-to make the teller, me, look smart.

This, along with some flamboyant hand gesticulations, led to my developing of YoMamaology, a new, and exceedingly bullshitty brand of philosophy dealing with yo mama jokes. Here goes:

The basic tenet of YoMamaology is that yo mama jokes (at least the kind that are told in good fun) are not directed at the other person's mama, but at a sort of universal entity. This entity takes a little hit for everyone's mamas, so jokes toward it aren't that insulting to this one dude your jonin' on's mama. The jokes just show how witty you are. At lunch I said that this universal mama entity represents the Tao of all mamas, existing in a kind of Platonic Super-Reality (Trademark). Perhaps it represents mother nature, parent to all living things.

I can't believe I just wrote a whole post about that. So I'll deny it-yo mama wrote it.


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