Saturday, March 19, 2005

The CIA Wants My Science Fair Project

There were judges from the CIA at the city science fair today. They liked my project, which involved the building and optimization of my computer, SETIStar, to search for extraterrestials in this galaxy ( But the CIA guys probably thought that I was gonna use it to help the Russians, because one of them was silent and bald and just kept scribbling on a little blue notepad. Or maybe, as my step-dad suggested, they were from the Men In Black or something. They'll be looking at the data that my computer is scanning and see that it contains alien signals, and they'll be like "he knows to much." Then they'll take out the neuralizer and those black glasses and they'll be like "nice project. Too bad you won't remember any of it." And then there'd be this flash of red light, but I'd close my eyes first, so they'd be like uh-oh, and I'd karate chop them, then grab their guns (of course they have guns) and run up the wall shooting backwards behind me, hitting an innocent math geek and one of the agents, but then he'd Enter the Body of the hairy judge lady, but then I'd be right next to him witht the gun pointed at him and I'd be like "dodge this!" and then I wouldn't shoot him and he'd give me a scholarship.

I love being nuts.


At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said that you
"love being nuts"
You are nuts if you want Kerry for President. He has no solutions for anything.
So you are right, you are nuts !

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Zak Rogoff said...

Ok, I'm nuts about the CIA and green beans, but not about presidential candidates: Kerry may not have been the
best president, I'll acknowledge that, but he would have been a lot
better than Bush, who has focused on actively worsening the situation
because he does not seem to understand politics, economics or

PS Thanks for your comment. Do you read my blog?


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